The RA-Aus had a display at the Amberley Airshow on the weekend of October 4th and 5th. We had an excellent position right in front of the control tower and at this stage I don't know the gate figures but I would estimate about 80,000 people were at the airshow.We had a very special VIP visit us, and not only learn who we were and what we did but showed an interest in some of our aircraft. Above is Air Vice Marshall Mark Skidmore, Air commander Australia, trying out a Tecnam for size
Our display site before the gates were opened
Our display area after the gates were openedNew Technical Manager Steve Bell at the RA-Aus tent. In the background on the right is the President of the Flying Tigers at Boonah, Brian Melbourne
The RA-Aus display tent
Our high wing aircraft provided a shaded viewing platform for some of the public
We were able to fit in 6 aircraft and our display tent into our allocated plot.
A special thanks to the Boonah pilots who helped man the stand, and answer the thousands of questions from the public.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Posted by
John McKeown