The RA-Aus AGM and a board meeting was held last weekend.
It is concerning to see such a poor turnout of members for the AGM, but I understand the issues of members getting to Canberra on a Friday. Perhaps it would be better to see the AGM held at Natfly. Comments please.
You can see an edited version of the Treasure's report as a previous post on this Blog site.
The Board members spent a very interesting and productive day at a workshop run by AeroSafe on Industry Risk Profile and Corporate Governance. The workshop was funded by CASA, and from my point of view, money well spent.
The Action Group's motion.
"That the RA-Aus Board, where it is practical, first communicate to members, matters which will have a significant and/or adverse affect on the privileges, financial, or operational obligations of the membership" became motion 2009/74. Moved by me, and seconded by Ed Smith from WA. - Passed.
One item of important note to me was the repeal of a previous motion on confidentially. Excessive secrecy is a real "thing" with me, and I have continuously refused to sign the form requiring secrecy of Board Meetings. Until this meeting where the the new Board Member from Victoria (Ian Baker) also refused to sign I was the only member not to sign. I have no issues with secrecy when "In Camera" But to keep secret other issues discussed at a Board meeting leads to all sorts of corruption and moral issues. I am of the view that everything is transparent to the general membership by default, and only the most contentious and "in progress" issues should be kept secret. "At this stage". Not forever.
This requirement, in my opinion, was also against the constitution. Every single member of the RA-Aus has a constitutional right to attend Board Meetings as an observer, and has a right to the the proceedings without secrecy being applied. Vigilance of the general membership is very important and I urge any member who is able to sit in and observe a Board Meeting to make every effort to do so.
John McKeown
RA-Aus Board Member Southern Queensland
Monday, November 23, 2009
RA-Aus AGM 2009
Posted by
John McKeown